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PAWS UP means: PTSO Assists with Student Uniform Pride. Not all families at our school can afford the school uniform. As a way to help, PTSO can provide FREE new and/or gently used uniform essentials such as polos, bottoms, sweaters, jackets, socks, underwear, shoes, and belts to students in need.  Monetary donations raised here help to cover the costs of purchasing additional uniform items needed. Sizes/colors vary based on availability.


Request for uniform items may come from teachers, parents, students and administrators . Please contact Ms. Norcross from Administration at with a uniform aid request. The request will remain confidential.


PTSO also accepts new and gently used donations of all sizes and colors for clothing item listed above.  *No rips/stains/excessive wear*

PAWS UP Program Donation


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    General Meeting Minutes for the 2024-2025 school year:

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